Davidoff of Geneva is an iconic brand recognized across the globe. Not only famous for its cigars, the Davidoff brands extends beyond to include many different products. FreePort shops carry its famous cigar range as well as Davidoff’s selection of parfums and fragrances.
Habano S.A. is the Cuban manufacturing, promotion and distribution arm of all Premium Cuban Cigars. With worldwide brands such as Montecristo, Cohiba, Partagas and Romeo y Julieta, cigar aficionados worldwide covet and widely recognize Cuban Cigars as the best cigars in the world. We carry the full range of Cuban Cigars in our shops and which are also available for wholesale.
Arturo Fuente Cigars is the leading non-cuban cigar brand which delivers quality to cigar enthusiasts all over the world. Arturo Fuente cigars are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world. Our reputation for unsurpassed quality, with both flavor and construction, has amassed a loyal following among cigar connoisseurs. Through our retail and wholesale outlets, we carry the best of Arturo Fuente including its rare and most sought after releases.
The Glenmorangie Company is part of the Luis Vuitton Moet Hennessey group of companies and whose main product is the range of Glenmorangie single malt whisky. Glenmorangie is categorised as a Highland distillery with its stills based in Scotland in Scotland. FreePort Duty Free carry a nice selection of its whisky which are available in Original, 18-, and 25-year-old bottlings, special cask bottlings, cask finishes, extra matured bottlings, and a range of special edition bottlings.
Elit Vodka is a premium vodka of the highest quality, from Latvia. The vodka is reduced to a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius which changes the molecular structure and makes the vodka extra soft in taste. Due to the special way of production, this vodka really tastes different than usual. The distillate is brought to room temperature in 24 hours and then bottled. With 97/100 points, Elit is the ‘highest-rated white spirit ever’ according to the renowned Beverage Tasting Institute.